We value teamwork, civility, and respect. We are a team with shared goals. We believe in each other and try to find a common language and agreement. There may be conflict, but we create an atmosphere where we are comfortable confronting disagreement and dealing with it politely.
We have a will to improve. We learn from the experiences of others, and we use best practices to progress and achieve even better results. If we make a mistake, we learn from it, so we don't make it again. We reflect, make iterative changes, and encourage the team to do the same.
These values are tied closely together. We are not afraid to take responsibility for our actions. When we give our word, we keep our word. If we aren’t going to meet a deadline, our clients know about our new timeline.
If we see that a problem is looming, we don’t wait for someone else to solve it. We solve it. If we cannot solve it, we identify the one who can. We don’t think «who is at fault», but rather «what can we do to fix or prevent it from happening again?»
We reach decisions by reasoning and discussion. Problems, solutions, and the ways we work together are not decided from the top down. Everyone's voice is heard.
The details matter. Our attention to detail sets us apart.
When solving core business problems for our client, we understand their strategic goals to make tactical decisions. If an existing process is holding our client back from achieving long term goals, we provide thorough feedback and a plan to get them where they want to go.
We pride ourselves in our client's work as we would our own. The solutions we give them are the ones we would use ourselves.
It's not just work. We do what we love.
And in our opinion, we are a group of fun and nice people!